Music and Lyrics: Naomi Shemer (1960)
Singer: Arik Einstein (from the 1984 "Good Old Eretz Israel" LP)
Naomi Shemer (1930–2004) was one of Israel’s most popular songwriters and composers, known for nationalist hymns like ‘Yerushalaim Shel Zahav’ (Golden Jerusalem), which became the country’s anthem during the Six Day War.
Born and raised in Kibbutz Kineret near the Sea
of Galilee, she was later identified with extreme right-wing factions of the settler movement based in the Occupied Territories.
Arik Einstein (1939–2013) is considered to be one of Israel’s most popular singers and actors and certainly the most ‘Israeli’ and ‘Tel Avivian’ among Israeli singers. As many Israeli popular culture figures of his generation, he made his appearance as a star within a military entertainment group and moved gradually after his release from the army towards a more counter-cultural notion.
Here is an unrhymed purely literal English translation of the lyrics:
From the froth of a wave and a cloud
I built myself a white city
Stormy, fluid, beautiful.
As a clean morning comes, a window opens
And you, girl, are looking at it
Just like a dove before its flight.
Because the dawn and the light have come
And my city is out to commerce
And it is loaded Heavily.
Here is my city, big as the light
And you are a grey grain of dust
A grain of dust attached to its scarf.
From the froth of a wave and a cloud
I built myself a white city
Stormy, fluid, beautiful.
As a soft evening comes, a window opens
And you, girl, are looking at it
Just like a queen waiting for her champion.
Because the black night has come
And my city is illuminated all around
And its lights are a necklace on your neck.
Here is my big city at night
And it is a dark and huge palace
And my girl reigns in it until tomorrow.